Silvera CLI commands

Silvera has several CLI commands:

  • check - used to check models for syntax and semantic validity,
  • compile - used to compile model into to executable output,
  • evaluate- used to evaluate the architecture for given project,
  • init - used to create initial Silvera project,
  • list-generators - used to lists all currently available code generators,
  • list-evaluators - used to lists all currently available architecture evaluators,
  • visualize - used to visualize the architecture for given project.

To list all available commands just call the silvera:

$ silvera
Usage: silvera [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --debug  Debug/trace output.
  --help   Show this message and exit.

  check            Checks if created model is valid.
  compile          Compiles application code into to provided output...
  evaluate         Evaluates the architecture for given project.
  init             Creates initial Silvera project
  list-generators  Lists all currently available code generators
  visualize        Visualize the architecture for given project.